Ceramic Blanket

Ceramic Fiber Blanket

Contact Person

Mr. Satham


ThermalGreen Ceramic Blankets (Grade 1260)

ThermalGreen Ceramic Blankets are potentially the widely used blankets in various industrial applications operating in temperaturesupto 1260 Degree Celcius like:

  • Reformers
  • Reactors
  • Automotive
  • Boilers
  • Power Plants
  • Heat Recovery Steam Generators
  • Exhaust Ducts

These lightweight needled blankets are instant preference of the Clients due to its excellent service characteristics of low thermal conductivity and zero dryout period. These blankets are available in varying densities as per the requirements.

Density (kg/m3) Thickness Roll Width (mm) Roll Length (mm)
Min Max
64 160
Min Max
6mm 50 mm
610 7620 (till 25mm)
5080 (38mm)

ThermalGreen Blankets (Grade 1430)

ThermalGreen Ceramic Blankets are Zirconium based and are extensively applied in temperatures operating upto 1425 Degree Celcius in industries like:

  • Furnaces
  • Process Industries
  • High Temperature Liners
  • Kilns
  • Fire protection
  • Laddles
  • Foundaries

These blankets with excellent thermal and chemical shock properties are first choice for insulation systems worldwide.
They are also available in varying densities as per the requirements.

Density (kg/m3) Thickness Roll Width (mm) Roll Length (mm)
Min Max
96 160
Min Max
13mm 50 mm
610 7620 (till 25mm)
5080 (38mm)
3810 (50mm)
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